Community and Youth Support around London
“SW16 is my home and where my projects are born from. I am so aware of the lack of opportunities faced by the youths in South London and the surrounding areas of Brixton, Thornton Heath and Croydon. Having spent much of my life working with hard to reach young people, and 7 years as a Lambeth School Governor, it has highlighted the social and educational needs many children still face. Hope comes from when young people are able to see the positive change in society that includes them too, no matter the background.”
Streatham Youths
In the Summer of 2021, Streatham festival added group work for young people to the workshops. We worked hard together as a team to give young people of all backgrounds an opportunity to learn photography. It was an absolute joy to head up this project for the kids in my area and we have all intentions to grow this further over the coming years.
Eye on Streatham
A new opportunity for the young people of Streatham, details of 2022 coming soon.
The Change Foundation - change through Sport
Working with not for profits is something I carried on after I left the Homeless Charity. working 13 years with youth homelessness affects a person deeply and this will be an area of professional work I will always align myself to.
This Girl Can & Sport England
During Lockdown, I fully embraced the Muay Thai world and exercised with my children online whilst i had no work. I used to fight but my confidence was not what it was. The This Girl Can campaign reached out to work together but it helped me connect even further with the charities that were donating time for free to support women like me to maintain our wellbeing without cost.
Thai Boxing Community Centre - Croydon
The Thai Boxing Community Center delivered these sessions thought various funding pools to better support marginalised and ‘at risk’ youths. Khru Sam has welcomed me to the team and its a privelidge to work for and with him.
London Sport & Croydon Voluntary Action
Working and supporting Croydon Voluntary Action. Giving opportunity to refugees, the marginalised and groups who can not access sport due to cultural and financial obstacles.